Raspberry Pi D1364584626 Aa #Plan 9 runs on the various Raspberry Pi models. The port is stable #and performs reasonably, but there is more work to be done. # #TODO # #The Raspberry Pi contains a lot of interesting bits that we aren't #yet doing anything with. Here's a (more or less complete) list of #things we'd like to see done, with some info on each. # #The best starting point for an [overview of the Pi's hardware #capabilities | http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals] is on #their wiki. # # * [GPIO | # http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals#General_Purpose_Input.2FOutput_.28GPIO.29] # #Bakul Shah has been working on a GPIO driver for the Pi. # # * I²C # * I²S # * audio # * pwm # * spi # # * [DSI | http://www.mipi.org/specifications/display-interface] & # [CSI-2 | http://www.mipi.org/specifications/camera-interface] # #These are display and camera interfaces, located at S2 and S5 on the #Pi, respectively. These are not widely supported on the various #systems which run on the Pi, and compatible hardware is not very #common. Compatible displays can be found in some smartphones. #