Harsha D1058814355 CProject work of 6th semester Aharsha_m027@hotmail.com ( # #PROJECT TITLE: AUTOMATIC DIM-DIP & PARKING LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR AUTOMOBILES. # #Conducted by Harsha.M,Narasimha Murthy H.P, Havinash V.B , Jophy #Groge. Under the guidance of Mr. Shaliesh Rao. At S.J.C.I.T #Chickballapur. Report published on 23/06/2003 in "Times of India" #newspaper. # D1058814900 CThis site is Cool Aharsha_m027@hotmail.com ( # #PROJECT TITLE: AUTOMATIC DIM-DIP & PARKING LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR AUTOMOBILES. # #Conducted by Harsha.M,Narasimha Murthy H.P, Havinash V.B , Jophy #Groge. Under the guidance of Mr. Shaliesh Rao. At S.J.C.I.T #Chickballapur. Report published on 23/06/2003 in "Times of India" #newspaper. # D1079553070 Aandrey ( #[http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9dist] #