as migration D1059499897 A ( #Enter your text here. # D1059499970 A ( #Linda, need help; DB_2SAFE & DB_2PC_2SAFE do not seem to work. Back #to DB_LOCAL now. Is there an example? X D1059500160 A ( #omp:/var/ap/dbms_data/ directory is not always there. # X D1059500213 A ( #Enter your text here. # #hmm X D1059500251 A ( #Enter your text here. # #hmm X D1059500391 A ( #Enter your text here. # #have trouble editing # X D1059595806 A ( #this thing doesnt work # D1059671427 A ( #Linda, need help; DB_2SAFE & DB_2PC_2SAFE do not seem to work. Back #to DB_LOCAL now. Is there an example? # #second msg D1060023990 A ( #second msg # D1079553026 Aandrey ( #[] #