Contrib Index

-as of Sat Apr 25 03:17:10 EDT 2015-

This is an automatically generated index of the packages part of the Contrib directory in the Sources repository. Items marked as "From fgb's contrib" can be downloaded with the command
contrib/install user/package
contrib itself can be installed with
/n/sources/contrib/fgb/root/rc/bin/contrib/install fgb/contrib

Closer Mirrors may be available.

This page is regenerated daily, a bit after 3am US-Eastern. If the page looks broken, please notify Anthony Sorace (a at 9srv dot net).


Everything here is unsupported.  Much of it is code from older
versions of the system, some of it is ports of foreign software.

Anything put on by (Alcatel-)Lucent should be
considered to be under the Lucent Public Licence unless there are
explicit notices to the contrary.